May 21Liked by Brandon Kyle Goodman

My mom died 6 weeks ago and my birthday is next Monday. Her Celebration of Life is on Saturday. I'm getting married in 3 weeks. How hard it is to hold sadness and joy at the same time. I'm truly not sure how to prepare for a sad birthday (I'm also turning 37).

How interesting to read your post and feel so uncomfortable at times with your use of the word grief in association to small losses. The thought that, no, that's my word! But if there is anything I've learned over the last 6 weeks is how terrible our society is at grieving. That people immediately jump to either sharing their losses in an effort to try and connect but in a time where my capacity is so low that it makes me feel that rage you described. Or they try and soften it in a way that feels dismissive. Such a complicated word because it's something we're so uncomfortable sitting in. We've never met but I wanted to thank you for sharing and that, while our losses of our mother's are so different, you're not the only one struggling with a sad birthday today. Love you ❤️

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I'm so moved by this message, and grateful to you for sharing. Grief is so complicated. I don't know if there's ever a right thing to say in the midst of the grief one is experiencing, but I just want to send you love. Wrapping you in it. Holding your heart tenderly through it. love you so much <3

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May 20Liked by Brandon Kyle Goodman

I can relate to your struggles with perfectionism. I’m currently reading A Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control and it’s given me a lot to think about. It’s geared toward women, but focuses on radical self acceptance. Happy Birthday!

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Thank you! And gonna add this book to my list!

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May 20Liked by Brandon Kyle Goodman

I love you so very very much.

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I love yoooou!

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This made me cry. A good sad unexpected cry. I'm currently trying to find my peace in a storm of family anger and sadness, and a lot of what you said was a lighthouse.

Thank you for sharing. Knowing there's a messy mother out there looking out for us with love is a grand thing too.

Extra thank you for the audio version of your posts. Accessibility is a wonder on days I'm too frazzled to read.

Much love to you. You are ever a wonder 💙

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This is such a great read! Thank you for sharing so vulnerably. I truly appreciate your candor. I'm currently reading 'Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation Through Anger' by Lama Rod Owens, and I think you would really enjoy it and find it insightful. Much love!

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